Monday, September 26, 2011

Our New Address...

Here is our new address in Zim!!

Dont worry, you dont have to fill out any customs labels this time. Hooray!! Just slap on a US stamp and your are done. If you want to mail a package, just remember - NO LIQUIDS - and nothing over 40 lbs.  Looking forward to hearing from all of you soon!
Oh, and it takes about 3 weeks.

Lots of love from the Rhodes!!

The Rhodes Family
2180 Harare Place
Dulles, VA  20189-2180

Feeling Kind of Lucky...

Ok, so we finally got in our new home- Hooray!! Its beautiful, its amazing, and yes- I feel pretty lucky. (pictures soon)

Two days before we left our temporary house...I ran out of pull-ups for Chase.  They have diapers here- yes, but pull-ups...No.  I was curious what I would do and then just decided- go for it, just put him in the darn underwear, send him to his pre-school with a few changes of clothes and just see what happens.  He did great!  My extra pull-ups I ordered on Amazon three weeks prior, came the next day.  Am I still feeling pretty lucky? Oh yes, but still I decided to keep him in the underwear and pretty much, just like that, my little boy is finally Potty Trained!! It took about a week, he has had just a few accidents and dry diapers at night. Yes, feeling exceptionally lucky. Way to go Chase!!

Our HHE (Household Effects) from Atlanta should arrive within the next week or two.  Im thankful for this as some people here have said it could take up to 4 MONTHS! For us, it would just be a little over two months. So for this - extremely thankful, but its not here yet. Ha Ha

The transition into the new house has made all the difference for us. It was nice to finally know where we were living, set up the kids rooms, put things away where we actually want them to go...and relax.  Its a nice feeling after having so much being unsettled. Its been a rough year of feeling half settled without Tom and finally things are flowing as they should again, and it is feeling wonderful.  Im just waiting on a few of those staples that every American household new Vitamix blender, my quisinart and Kitchen Aid, some normal spices, my flat iron (which I somehow forgot to put in my suitcase), our normal soft comforter for our bed (instead of the hard polyester blanket that itches my face at night- yuck) and a few more clothes. But honestly, other than that...we are doing ok. 

The kids have started their schools. Chase seems to really enjoy it and although fights going to school in the morning, he is happy to get there, has no tears and seems to have lots of fun.  Hannah is learning her ABCs and numbers from 1 - 20.  She can write all her letters, upper and lowercase and can even recognize some words.  I practice at night with Hannah. Chase also gets in on the learning "fun"(ha ha) and seems to know quite a few letters himself at 3 years old.  This seems to bother his sister a good bit. But you cant blame the boy for wanting to learn. :) I think its great!

In order to make everything complete, we just need our sweet Piper. More on her soon, but we hope to have her in our big yard running around in less than a month!!!

Oh, and Internet should be within the next few weeks too. Yes, Internet at our house means...PICTURES!! I know all the Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles are going crazy to see the kids sweet and growing little faces. So, I promise they will come ... SOON!!!

Missing all of you so very much ....